App Model

The App Model functions similar to a page's data model, except that it is accessible to every page in your site. You can also reference data in the App Model from elements that are not bound to a page

The App Model functions similar to a page's data model, except that it is accessible to every page in your site. You can also reference data in the App Model from elements that are not bound to a page, such as Navigation menus and slots. App data can be cached in local storage for fast performance.

Referencing the App Model

The App model is simply a JSON object that can be globally referenced as app.key

  • In a JavaScript function or calculation

    • app.key

  • In VueJS template syntax (within HTML code)

    • {{app.key}}

Inserting Data to the App Model

This can be done in several ways:

  • Set the default data / keys in the Environment > App Model tab in your site settings.

  • With a function action, use the code app.key = 'value' to change or set data

  • In a Hook Script set/modify the $$BF_App global variable using FileMaker's JSON functions

App Model Caching (bf-v0.10.4+)

The app data model keys can be individually cached in the browsers local or session storage.

This feature is enabled within the app model editing page of the page builder.

  • Use Local Storage - This data will persist from session to session, and remain even after the browser has been closed.

  • Use Session Storage - This data will survive a page refresh, but will not survive after the tab has been closed in the browser.

As your application loads, BetterForms will first check the Session Storage and if enabled, try to pull data from there, if that is not successful, it will check the Local Storage if enabled and attempt to populate data from there. By allowing separate control, you can have a given tabs context preserved.

Keys that are set for caching will automatically be saved locally as they are changed. No additional cache management is required.

Last updated

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