Data Table

Additional keys:

Additional Keys



The key of an array in your data model containing the data to display in the table



Various options as defined in the source code (see link above)



(optional) Array of actions to execute when row is clicked



(optional) Array of objects, allows insertion of HTML content (see below)

Slots Example

Add the slots key to this element to define HTML regions to be displayed with the table. The slot key within each object defines the name of the slot, which can be referenced in the columns key.

If you name a slot child_row, that HTML content will be displayed when the row of the table is expanded. (see CSS trick below for how to customize the look of the child row icon)

"columns": ["name", "title", "slot_name", "button_slot"],
"slots": [{
    "html": "<h1>{{model.title}}</h1>",
    "slot": "title"
}, {
    "html": "<h6>{{model.description}}</h6>",
    "slot": "slot_name"
}, {
    "html": "<button class=\"btn btn-info\" v-on:click=\"namedAction('myNamedAction'; {row: props.row})\"><i class=\"fa fa-check\"></i> OK</button>",
    "slot": "button_slot"
}, {
    "html": "{{props.row.productList}}",
    "slot": "child_row"


Slots allow you to insert you own custom HTML in predefined positions within the component Slots with respect the BF Forms render engine and render VueJS code also:

  • beforeTable: Before the table wrapper. After the controls row

  • afterTable: Before the table wrapper.

  • beforeFilter: Before the global filter (filterByColumn: false)

  • afterFilter: After the global filter

  • beforeLimit: Before the per page control

  • afterLimit: After the per page control

  • beforeFilters: Before the filters row (filterByColumn: true)

  • afterFilters: After the filters row

  • beforeBody: Before the <tbody> tag

  • afterBody: After the <tbody> tag

  • prependBody: Prepend to the <tbody> tag

  • appendBody: Append to the <tbody> tag

If a slot has the same name as a column, it will replace the columns contents. You can class the rows object (data object for that row) via model.row.myField

Accessing Data in slots


Each rows data can be found in the props.row variable when using custom html slots.

eg: {{props.row.nameFirst}} would render the first name field

data model

Sometimes you may want to reference the parent data model (The model that was used for the form, or the container element). You can reference to parents data model with the variable model

eg: {{model.isLocked}} would render the isLocked field in the parent data model

Child Rows

Add the following CSS to your site to change how the icon to open or close the child row

.VueTables__child-row-toggler {

    width: 16px;

    height: 16px;

    line-height: 16px;

    display: block;
    margin: auto;

    text-align: center;

.VueTables__child-row-toggler--closed::before {
    content: "►";

.VueTables__child-row-toggler--open::before {

    content: "▼";

Interacting with the Table (Row Click Actions)


The Data Table element supports actions_onRowClick actions. This allows you to programmatically control what happens when a user clicks a row.

Within each action in this actions array, a "row" key will be injected into the options.params so that you can reference the data of the row that was clicked.

  • To access the row from a function action use action.options.params.row

  • To access the row from within an options key (see example below), use

The following is an example that will pas the key id from the table row into the path action

// add this key at the root level of the element
"actions_onRowClick": [{
   "action": "path",
   "options": {
      "path_calc": "'/sitedetail?id=' +"

This key can be retrieved in the onFormRequest script as follows:

Set Variable $id = JSONGetElement ( $$BF_Query ; "id" )

Custom Sorting Functionality

A common issue arises when attempting to use the table’s custom sorting functionality for columns where numeric values are stored as strings. For instance, when sorting a column with prices stored as strings, the default behavior sorts them alphabetically rather than numerically.

To address this, you can define custom sorting functions in the table options. Below is an example demonstrating how to handle custom sorting for different types of columns:

  • price_function: Sorts the price column numerically, converting the price strings to floats for accurate comparison.

  • name_function: Sorts the name column by last name, splitting the full name string and comparing the last names.

  • date_function: Sorts the date column chronologically, converting the date strings to date objects for accurate comparison.

"options": {
    "customSorting": {
        "price_function": "var ascending = arguments[0]; return function(a,b){if (ascending) return parseFloat(a.price) >= parseFloat(b.price) ? 1 : -1; return parseFloat(a.price) <= parseFloat(b.price) ? 1 : -1;}",
        "name_function": "var ascending = arguments[0]; return function(a,b){if (ascending) return' ')[1] >=' ')[1] ? 1 : -1; return' ')[1] <=' ')[1] ? 1 : -1;}",
        "date_function": "var ascending = arguments[0];return function(a, b) {if (ascending) return moment(, 'M/D/YYYY').isAfter(moment(, 'M/D/YYYY')) ? 1 : -1;return moment(, 'M/D/YYYY').isAfter(moment(, 'M/D/YYYY')) ? 1 : -1;}"

Last updated

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