Create a New Page

Important: If you're working with the HTML or JavaScript editor, remember to save your content before closing the editor. This ensures your changes are preserved.

Step 1: Choose a Template

  1. Navigate to the Pages tab.

  2. Click on + New Page.

  3. Select a template for your new page.

Step 2: Enter Page Details

  1. Enter the Page Name and Navigation Path (Slug).

  2. Add a Page Description and specify the Scoped Hook Set Name.

  3. Enable Authentication if required.

  4. Click Next to proceed.

Step 3: Build Your Page

  1. Go to the Page Builder tab.

  2. Define and arrange your page elements by writing or pasting your JSON configuration or HTML code.

  3. Add components like HTML content, input fields, buttons, and tables to build the structure and functionality of your page.

Step 4: Configure Page Info and Misc Settings

  1. Go to the Page Info tab to review and adjust page settings, such as Scoped Hook Set Name, and authentication options.

  2. Edit any additional configurations in JSON format if necessary.

Step 5: Configure Integration Settings

  1. Move to the Integration tab.

  2. Enable the onFormRequest Hook if your page needs to pull data from the backend.

Step 6: Define Data Model

  1. In the Data Model tab, input your default data model in JSON format.

  2. Optionally, use the Development Data Model for mock data during development.

Step 7: Create Action Scripts

  1. Switch to the Actions tab.

  2. Click + New Script and define your scripts.

  3. Use drag-and-drop to rearrange actions as needed.

Step 8: Finalize and Save

  1. Review all settings across tabs.

  2. Save your changes to ensure everything is applied correctly.

Last updated