
You can use this functionality to set up multiple languages for your app.

Step 1: Define Languages in Your App Model

In App Model, define your dictionary with keys and values as following example:

"i18n": {
        "dict": {
            "buttonExplore": {
                "en": "Explore Features",
                "zh": "探索功能"
            "buttonJoin": {
                "en": "Join Community",
                "zh": "加入社区"
        "langDefault": "en",
        "langSelected": "en",
        "languages": [{
            "id": "en",
            "name": "English"
        }, {
            "id": "zh",
            "name": "简体中文"

You can also have a key to cache the user selection in App model and check it in App Key Caching.

"langCurrent": "en"

Step 2: Add Translatable Text in Your HTML

In your HTML block, add the text using BF.i18n() with the corresponding keys:

// html

// label calc
"label_calc": "BF.i18n('someKey')"

Step 3: Set Language Through the App

Set the language in your global scripts global scripts onAppLoad.

app.i18n.langSelected =  app.currentLang || app.i18n.langDefault

Step 4: Add Function to Handle User Selection

In your global script, create a JavaScript function like selectLanguage to handle user select.

// change selected language by user
app.i18n.langSelected = action.options.lang

// change cached langugae
app.langCurrent = action.options.lang

In your page, use the following to call selectLanguage and highlight the current selection:

<div v-for="lang in app.i18n.languages" 
     @click="namedAction('selectLanguage', { lang: })"
     :class="['block px-4 py-2 text-sm leading-5 focus:outline-none', 
              app.langCurrent === ? 'bg-purple-700 text-white' : 'text-white hover:bg-purple-400 hover:text-gray-900 cursor-pointer']"
  {{ }}

This setup allows your app to support multiple languages, enhancing user experience by displaying content in their preferred language.

Last updated