
The input field in our editor is customizable and supports various data types. Below are the key properties and examples for each input type.

1. Input Field Structure

Each input field is defined by a JSON object with the following properties:

  • "inputType": Type of input (text, password, email, number, etc.).

  • "label": Descriptive text for the input field.

  • "model": Field name in the data model.

  • "styleClasses": CSS classes for layout.

  • "type": Always "input" for input fields.

2. Available Input Types

Here are examples for common input types:

Text Input:

  "inputType": "text",
  "label": "Username",
  "model": "username",
  "styleClasses": "col-md-3",
  "type": "input"

Password Input:

  "inputType": "password",
  "label": "Password",
  "model": "password",
  "min": 6,
  "hint": "Minimum 6 characters",
  "validator": "calc",
  "validator_calc": "model.password == model.password2",
  "styleClasses": "col-md-6",
  "type": "input"

Email Input:

  "inputType": "text",
  "label": "Email",
  "model": "email",
  "validator": "email",
  "required": true,
  "styleClasses": "col-md-3",
  "type": "input"

Number Input:

  "inputType": "number",
  "label": "Age",
  "model": "age",
  "step": "1",
  "styleClasses": "col-md-3",
  "type": "input"

3. Validation

Use the "validator" property to validate the input. Common validators include:

  • email: Ensures the input is a valid email address.

  • calc: Custom validation using "validator_calc".

Last updated