Card / Window Modals

Card modals display other pages as their content.

This element is based on the vue js modal module.

Card Modals are a special type of modal that show the contents of another page as their contents.

They are opened with an showCardModal action and hidden with a hideCardModal action.

// Minimal settings
    "action": "showCardModal",
    "options": {
        "slug": "some_page_slug" // note: slug names must be URL comaptible


The following items can exist in the options object for the showCardModal action. Either slug or idForm must be present to identify the page loaded in the card modal. See source docs for a complete list of additional parameters.

Changing paths / page contents, use a path action with added windowName key to target the correct window, in this case the name of this modal.

Passing Parameters

Often you need to pass some params to the modal from the parent page. These fall within situations, with or without the onFormRequest hook enabled.

With onFormRequest enabled

When called from another (parent) page. If you need onFormRequest params, use the query key as you would with other pages and read via the $$BF_Query global in your hook script.

Without onFormRequest enabled

When showing a modal and you don't need to call a server hook script you can still pass data to modal several ways.

  1. Via the model key. data in the key will appear in the model for the modal. This is useful when you want to edit some detail information that the parent form already has.

  2. Via the app object. By setting a key within the app object, and then later reading that when the form loads, you can pass anything back and forth between parent and modal.

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