
This page showcases various buttons you can implement in your app, each designed for specific actions. Below is a detailed explanation of the different button types, their configurations, and their intended actions.

To see buttons in action, check out examples on this page.

Regular Buttons

The general structure of a button object is as follows:

  "actions": [],
  "buttonClasses": "btn btn-info",
  "styleClasses": "col-md-2",
  "text": "Push Me",
  "type": "button"

To assign actions to a button, you can populate the actions array. Below are examples of common button actions.

Open a Modal

    "actions": [{
        "action": "showModal",
        "options": {
            "body": "This is the modal body, actions are Kewl!",
            "icon": "success",
            "title": "<br>You triggered a modal!"
    "buttonClasses": "btn btn-info btn-lg",
    "icon": "fa fa-comment",
    "styleClasses": "col-md-2",
    "text": "Show a Modal",
    "type": "button"

Redirect to a Path

  • Internal Link

        "actions": [{
            "action": "path",
            "options": {
                "path": "/dash"
        "buttonClasses": "btn btn-info",
        "hint": "This redirects the user to another form",
        "styleClasses": "col-md-2",
        "text": "Goto /dash",
        "type": "button"
  • External Link

        "actions": [{
            "action": "path",
            "options": {
                "url": "https://docs.fmbetterforms.com/"
        "buttonClasses": "btn btn-danger btn-xl btn-trans btn-pill",
        "hint": "Styled with CSS, opens a new tab",
        "styleClasses": "col-md-2",
        "text": "Show Documentation",
        "type": "button"

Show Alert

    "actions": [{
        "action": "showAlert",
        "options": {
            "text": "This is the Alert body, actions are Kewl!",
            "title": "Hello World!",
            "type": "error"
    "buttonClasses": "btn btn-primary btn-block",
    "hint": "Fills the column it defines",
    "icon": "fa exclamation-triangle",
    "styleClasses": "col-md-4",
    "text": "Full Width showAlert",
    "type": "button"

JavaScript Function

The Print button action executes JavaScript functions:

    "actions": [{
        "action": "function",
        "function": "window.print()",
        "options": {}
    "buttonClasses": "btn btn-success btn-trans",
    "icon": "fa icon-printer",
    "styleClasses": "col-md-2",
    "text": "Print",
    "type": "button"


This action allows you to run the onUtilityHook workflow when clicked. You can pass additional parameters in the options object:

    "actions": [{
        "action": "runUtilityHook",
        "options": {
            "type": "save"
    "buttonClasses": "btn btn-info",
    "hint": "to save...",
    "styleClasses": "col-md-2",
    "text": "Save",
    "type": "button"

Dropdown buttons contain multiple button objects within the subs array. Here’s an example:

    "buttonClasses": "btn btn-info btn-trans",
    "icon": "fa fa-comment",
    "label": "Dropdown Menu",
    "styleClasses": "col-md-4",
    "subs": [{
        "actions": [],
        "text": "Button 1"
    }, {
        "divider": true
    }, {
        "actions": [],
        "text": "Button 2"
    "text": "Some Actions",
    "type": "button"

Button Groups

Button groups use the group array to bundle related buttons together.

    "group": [{
        "actions": [],
        "buttonClasses": "btn btn-success btn-trans",
        "icon": "fa fa-plus",
        "text": "Add",
        "type": "button"
    }, {
        "actions": [],
        "buttonClasses": "btn btn-success btn-trans",
        "icon": "fa fa-archive",
        "text": "Save",
        "type": "button"
    "groupClasses": "btn-group",
    "styleClasses": "col-md-6",
    "type": "button"

Dynamic Styling

This button uses buttonClasses_calc to dynamically generate CSS classes. It is a computed property that combines static classes with dynamic model data:

    "actions": [],
    "buttonClasses_calc": "'p-4 w-48 text-center border font-bold rounded-lg ' + model.buttonStyleClasses",
    "styleClasses": "col-md-3",
    "text": "Push Me",
    "type": "button"

Button Triggering a namedActionn

This button uses the onclick_actions array to call a namedAction when clicked:

    "buttons": [{
        "classes": "btn btn-success btn-trans",
        "label": "Do Something",
        "onclick_actions": [{
            "action": "namedAction",
            "name": "SomethingClicked",
            "options": {}
    "inputType": "text",
    "label": "My Input",
    "model": "field1",
    "styleClasses": "col-md-3",
    "type": "input"

Last updated