Client side validation is controlled by the validator
key in all page elements.
Validation does not __ run automatically. You must trigger client validation with the validate action.
The validator key can be set to the following:
number Checks that the value is numeric - and that it's within the fields min & max range, if these are defined in the schema. integer Checks that the value is a valid Javascript Number - and that it's an integer.
double Checks that the value is a valid number.
When validating with number, integer, or double, make sure the inputType
for the field is set to number
, otherwise the input will be saved as a JSON string in your data model.
string Checks that the value is a string - and that its length is within the fields min & max range, if these are defined in the schema.
array Checks that the value is an array - and that the arrays length is within the fields min & max range, if these are defined in the schema. Expects the value to be a valid Javascript array literal - something like this: ["John", "Doe", "Jane"] or [1, 2, 3].
date Checks that the value is a valid Javascript Date - and that the date is between the fields min and max dates, if these are defined in the schema.
regexp Checks that the value matches the regex defined in the fields schema.pattern. If schema.pattern isn't set, validation is skipped.
email Checks that the value is a plausible looking email address, using a regular expression.
url Checks that the value is a plausible looking http url, using a regular expression. Among other checks, the URL needs to start with http:// or https://.
creditCard Checks that the value is a valid credit card number, using code from here.
alpha Checks that the value is a letter, using this regex: /^[a-zA-Z]*$/
alphaNumeric Checks that the value is a letter or a number, using this regex: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/
This validation works great as a user interface element, but should not be trusted in FileMaker. Anything that comes from the a client's web browser can be hacked, so sensitive data should also be validated in your FileMaker scripts before committing to the database.
Last updated
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