API Callback Endpoint

This hook gives the developer access to a universal API endpoint. This can be used for any external callbacks or as an endpoint serving data.

This service can act as a universal endpoint and service multiple content types. The default is JSON but this can also be changed to others (see below).




  • Callback for integrating various services

  • Document download endpoint

  • App entry point for passing data when integrating from another system. Eg. A user clicks a link in your online e-commerce store and that link hits the BetterForms API callback. This action passes some data that launches the user cart session.

Supported Request Types

  • plain text

  • application/json

  • application/xml

  • text/json

  • text/* - any text content type including text/xml

Supported Methods (verbs)

  • GET

  • POST

  • PUT



The hook is passes all header, query and body data as well as the request type (located in $params.method)

Set the $response var to the data you want to be returned.

Set the $contentType var to one of the following to return that content type and set the correct headers for the outbound data.

For versions >0.9.35, API responses are able to send headers and status code, as shown below.

Set the $headers var to set the correct headers for the outbound data. For further reference of HTTP response headers options, please refer to docs.


Set Variable [$headers ; Value: JSONElement ( "" ; ["Content-Type" ; "text/plain" ; JSONString]; ["Transfer-Encoding" ; "chunked" ; JSONString] )

Set the $statusCode var to set the correct value for HTTP status code response. For further reference of HTTP response headers options, please refer to docs.


Set Variable [$statusCode ; Value: 418 ]

Support for headers and statusCode

In order to include $headers and $statusCode to your API response, there's a change that needs to be done to the API hook script on business file.

  • On your API callback hook script, find where $$BF_Payload is set, as shown in the image below.

  • Modify its value so it maches the following code, where data.headers and data.statusCode are added to the existing JSONSetElement statement.

payload = JSONSetElement ( $$BF_Payload;
["data.response" ; $response ; If ($contentType = "text" or $contentType = "html"  or $contentType = "xml" ; JSONString ; JSONObject )];
["data.contentType" ; $contentType ; JSONString ];
["data.headers" ; $headers ; JSONObject];
["data.statusCode" ; $statusCode ; JSONNumber ];
["log" ; $$BF_Log ; JSONString]


You can expect finite performance from this API handler. Initial tests show about 20 concurrent calls or about 1800 calls per minute can be consistently achieved. This is dependent on server performance also.

Suggested Design Pattern and Notes

If you are returning JSON, make sure $response is set to a `JSONObject` type. For XML, and other custom serialized responses you an set $response to the string you want to return.

Keeping your API handler scripts orderly is key to stability and ease of code maintenance. If your API is handling more than one simple task it is recommended you use the example multi-endpoint script structure.

The image below shows a best practice for structuring endpoints and allows for easy API versioning down the road.

The concern of each endpoint is generally not to do business logic but to gather required data and format the response suitable to be returned to your calling server.

Here the main common hook script BetterForms - onAPICallBack ... acts as a dispatcher for each version. The V1 Dispatcher script then parses out each /endpoint and dispatches accordingly. For future debugging the head of each script has a logging step also.

// Sample inbound request 

    "params": {
      "headers": {
        "accept": "*/*",
        "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate",
        "cache-control": "no-cache",
        "connection": "keep-alive",
        "content-type": "application/json",
        "cookie": "PHPSESSID=kmr6khj4nlruspai6tfiv0fcf7",
        "host": "mycallingdomain.com",
        "myheaderkey": "12345HEADERKEY0000",
        "postman-token": "2630f738-8f01-49af-acc6-556437a4a23b",
        "user-agent": "PostmanRuntime/6.2.5",
        "x-forwarded-for": "",
        "x-forwarded-port": "443",
        "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
        "x-region": "usw"
      "method": "GET",
      "provider": "rest",
      "query": {
        "key1": "1",
        "key2": "2"

Api Best Practices

Processing Time

Keep your script calls to a minimum run time if your script is expecting to have a lot of traffic and the process takes a long time. One common technique for long process times is to queue up the process and return the caller back a token or status of processing etc.

Use workflow processing queues when needed

If you have a process that for example sends out several emails with a generated report the calling server will probably time out. Instead queue up the work flow and return just the parts of the data that can be prepared quickly.

Last updated