Base code End of Life - 0.8.78-0.8111


The base code versions of 0.8.78 and 0.8.111 will be moved from deprecated to end of life July 15, 2022. These FM BetterForms operating systems have been deprecated for over a year and will need to be removed from the BF cloud to make way for newer features and code while freeing resources.

TLDR; if you have an app using one of these base code versions please plan to update it to bf-latest as soon as possible.


The BF team will offer free migration support to assist you with sites that require code changes.

How do I know if my app needs code updates?

If your app is running bf-latest or bf-staging then there is nothing further you need to do.

You can find what version of base code your app is running by inspecting the domain settings in the BF IDE.

In addition to referencing the changelog for Breaking Change tags the main areas that will require minor updates are:

  • Use of table2 elements that use slots or onRowClick actions

  • Use of authentication - You may need to add custom authentication pages if there are none and your app requires authentication

How can I go about testing for compatibility?

If you have not migrated to environments:

You can easily test your app for compatibility by changing the base code version from the site edit page. We suggest doing this on a weekend or quiet time. The change can easily be reverted and takes about 1 minute to propagate.

If your organization has migrated to environments:

Chances are you do not have development environments for these older base code apps but you can easily add one to test or simply change the base code version of your live app during aquiet time.

What if I don’t update my App?

After July 15 we will automatically bump all apps to the latest base code version that have not already done so. This could break your app so please make sure you have migrated before the EOL date.

Have questions? Ping us on Slack.

The BF Team

Last updated